Saturday, March 8, 2014

Other fun stuff

So after all the fun in February the month ended with Carnival.  That is NOT a celebration for witnesses.  From what we understand the celebration has to deal with the slave trade that happened in the past, that in itself isn't the problem...there are dancers who dress up in red and black very ornate costumes with bells on them.  They wear huge scary devil masks and carry whips around.  From what I understand these satans go around and attempt to trip people and when they fall the devils whip people during the week (they are not supposed to whip women, children, or gringos), then on the last day all the children get to put on masks and they whip the satans.  This is supposed to represent the white slave drivers during the week and the kids at the end of the week are when the slaves rebelled and won their freedom.  This is a huge party like Mardi Gras that lasts a week.  It is filled with drinking, drugs, and violence.  Witnesses steer clear of main street and are careful about our choices in going places during the evening times.  I was going to take a picture, because it is hard to put into words the yuckiness of these costumes and behaviors, but I didn't want any of it in my photo pages so you will have to use your imagination.  Another aspect I heard was that all of this 'merriment' coincides with Ash Wednesday and Lent that way the party-ers have something to ask forgiveness for and can get all the bad out before these days...

On happier notes, though when we were out in service I found a young girl 13 years old to study with.  She lives on Bastimentos.  She doesn't own a bible (I brought her an old one until we get new ones in) but loved the books of Esther, Daniel, and Revelation.  She even had already put together that Daniel and Revelation go together!  I started studying the Bible teach book with her!!

Marie found a young lady that I am still trying to track down. I know where she works and lives, but haven't been able to catch her at either place...I hope to find her on Thursday now that everyone's schedule is calming down with Carnival done with.

I also have found a study with another girl on Bastimentos too who has two children and works a lot.  She really likes what she is hearing about the Good news Brochure and had two questions:  How do we know the bible is inspired of God and not changed by men when they translate/copies it and How do we know that this is the end and when the end will be?  Two very good questions for next time.  She too doesn't have a bible, so I'm bringing her one too.

Another lady I found used to sit in on the study her daughter was having.  I spoke to the sister and she is going to study with the girl and bring Madi along (the girl is shy so we are hoping another child will draw her out) and I am going to let the mom have her own study.  She lives on Bocas.

Recently, I am also studying with the sister of Ricardo.  She is Catholic and keeps talking about all the mysteries in the Bible such as the Trinity and the mystery of how God can have no beginning...We study in the Bible teach book too.  She has an old bible, but some of the pages are ripped because of using it while her children were small and they grabbed a page etc.  I plan on bringing her a new bible too.  She lives on Carenero.

I also have another woman I am studying with when she is on lunch break at work.  We are studying the good news brochure and she is very happy to hear it.  I hope that she brings her bible from home so that she can read the information from her own book.  She works on Carenero but lives on Bastimentos...

I have a couple of good calls too that I hope will blossom into studies!

All of these make for a couple of busy days in service.  I'm sure you all want to see where we stop for break...

Just kidding.  We only just found this place.  It's not Starbucks, but it will do and is cheaper too.  Starting this week it will be where I go for a cuppa.  The owner, Ron, is actually a study of one of the brothers and even came to the Kingdom hall to hear the COs talk.  He runs every night all around the airport runway which is near the Hall. 

Everything on the island is shipped in including bread.  This is a Bimbo delivery truck..Ross and Dan will know about this:)

Some things just catch you as funny right...This sign tickled me because it sounds so gross if you just read it straight through:

 Yuck Seafood Milkshake...

This is the local firestation.  They are called Bomberos...the truck on the left is so old it actually has hand pumps on it...I don't think they use it anymore...

We see funny things in service too...

 He looked like he had no idea how to get down!

Even the birds get hot here...armpit air out:

Ty actually caught a bird about two weeks ago.  It was a little guy that fell out of his nest.  It had a few feathers, but some hadn't come in yet.  He found it jumping along the beach and caught it under a neighbors house.

We also saw some needle nose fish and a stingray in the water outside of Casa del Sapo

 There are interesting bugs too...Ty again found it, but this one was near the new house in the Marina.
This was giant probably the size of Ty's whole hand.

This spider was in a tree on Carenero Island.

There is a lot of beauty too. These are some of my favorites.

Well thats all she wrote for tonight.  It's time to head to bed:

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are growing and its only been 2 months. The pics are nice. On your days of. Just sitting in your front yard looks relaxing. But with 2 kids they need more adventure. Glad things are going well. Pedro and I have been talking about possibly returning to serve in Myanmar, but that means a lot of sacrifice on my part. No more traveling for sure. We will see what happens.
