Thursday, January 23, 2014

A list of 80

80 people.  According to a recent conversation I had with a brother here in the Bocas English congregation, there is a list of 80 advanced return visits and bible studies that nobody is currently calling on.  80!  Does that fact baffle you? Amaze you? Frustrate you?

The fact is many brothers and sisters sacrifice greatly to come to Bocas and have many fruitful calls, develop nice return visits, and in short order they have many bible studies.  But these dear friends' circumstances do not allow them to stay indefinitely so they must eventually return to their homes after a few weeks or months.  The studies they cultivate cannot be attended to because the remaining "long term" brothers and sisters already have full schedules of studies of their own.

Can you help?  If you can come for a few weeks or a few months then please come.  Your help will be greatly appreciated and Jehovah will bless your efforts as you serve in an area that is both physically beautiful and white for the harvest.  Can you come for a year?  "No!" you say, "that is not possible for me because... I have kids/I have to work/I am not good at preaching".  Please watch the video on the website-- "From Prison to Prosperity" and then decide.  Jehovah wants to use you to do great things.  And those he are drawing towards him are waiting to study with YOU here in Bocas.

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