Friday, January 10, 2014

Jehovah's people are so skilled

Sometimes in the US we hear the stereotype that Jehovah's Witnesses are simpletons-- uneducated, unskilled, simple laborers who eschew higher education for lack of ability.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  Around the world, Jehovah's people are intelligent, amazingly-skilled people and here is just one example...

This brother would not like me to publicly give him credit so he stays anonymous.  He has two pianos in his apartment (down from three!)-- one of them a baby grand.  I mentioned to him that I have utterly failed over the last year in buying out the time to teach Madison piano.  This brother mentions that he is a piano professor!  "Amazing," I say and ask him if, in addition to his teaching, he plays with any orchestras or symphonies.  "Not so much," he replies.  Graciously, he agrees to play a Haydn sonata for us and it was mind-boggling how beautiful he plays.  Later that evening I find out from another person that this brother has traveled all over the world playing classical piano for numerous renowned orchestras!

And so it goes with Jehovah's people.  Like this brother, so many are amazingly skilled but god-fearing humility keeps them from seeking glory for themselves.  Just imagine paradise when we can finally all enjoy the amazing skills of these brothers and sisters!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that I get to meet this brother while I'm there - I would love to hear him play!!
